Exhausted? Overwhelmed? Foggy Brain? Is It Postnatal Depletion?

Exhausted? Overwhelmed? Foggy Brain? Is It Postnatal Depletion?

“I know I need to exercise but I don’t even have the energy to go for a walk, I feel so tired all the time and I am anxious without any reason,” says Sarah, mum of a happy thriving eight month old. When I visited her, Sarah asked her husband to take notes because her bra...

Is Your Breastfed Baby Allergic to Dairy?

Is Your Breastfed Baby Allergic to Dairy?

Your baby is never allergic to your breastmilk, but your baby can have symptoms of Dairy Allergy/Cow’s Milk Allergy even if you are exclusively breastfeeding and not directly feeding your baby any dairy.