Why Our Foods

Newborns need to be fed around the clock and the Mama milk machine doesn’t stop – day or night! The average baby requires at least nine hours of ‘hands-on care’ a day and that doesn’t include all the extra tasks of washing, cooking and basic self-care (like simply having a shower!) that goes with the new addition to your family.

Mothers are trying so hard to provide the very best for their babies but their efforts are often almost counter-productive: if you are constantly feeding an unsettled, hungry baby (whether this is due to real or perceived low milk supply or some other reason, such as a temporary appetite increase); trying to increase your milk supply by expressing between feeds (once you have finally settled your baby), as well as taking care of your baby - feeding yourself is often the last thing you can manage.

As I would visit mothers in their homes to help solve breastfeeding problems, I saw so many women who were suffering from stress, poor nutrition, and low breast milk supply.

I have often shared my personal recipes with mums over the years, the reality is that most new mothers barely have time to make a sandwich, let alone cook nutritious foods for themselves. However, those who did make my foods raved about the results to their energy levels and their milk supply. And that’s why I firstly created Boobie Bikkies and later, our Boobie Brekkie Toasted Muesli and now our Chicken & Vegetable Powdered Boobie Broth and our two new Boobie Teas in both Calming and Immunity blends. My range of Boobie Foods now includes 7 unique and delicious foods and drinks that are made especially for every breastfeeding mother to help, nourish and support her. 

Ancient Wisdom, Modern Science

Boobie Foods® are a combination of ancient wisdom and modern science. In cultures around the world, for generations, special foods have been prescribed after birth as an aid to breastfeeding mothers. I have researched these foods and the elements of traditional recipes to create my own special recipes for the modern breastfeeding mother.

And, because we now know that everything you eat will be passed to your baby, our Boobie Foods are made from all natural and organic ingredients with no GM foods, chemical additives or pesticides passing through your milk.

Boobie Bikkies

No matter how busy you are, whether you are trying to pump milk as well as feed your baby, whether you seem to be feeding your baby for hours on end, whether you are the busy mother of more than one child or you work outside the home, Boobie Bikkies® are a naturally nourishing treat that supports you as you do the most important job of all –nurturing and feeding your breastfed baby.

As a nourishing snack, an analysis (Victoria University, Melbourne 2020), found that our Boobie Foods can be a helpful nutritional complement to a healthy balanced diet. Boobie Bikkies supply minerals Iron, Magnesium and Phosphorous. Based on a recommended serving of two biscuits a day, Boobie Bikkies meet the RDI for Thiamine(B1) and Niacin (B2). Vitamin E is particularly high in our Gluten Free biscuits (9.2mg in two biscuits, with the RDI stated as 10mg per day) and our Orange and Vanilla Boobie Bikkies are a good source of Folate.

Boobie Bikkies are individually wrapped, so just throw a few in your bag and go wherever your busy life takes you. Best of all, you can eat them with one hand as you feed your baby (and you don’t have to make them yourself)!

Boobie Brekkie

There are nutrients that have a significant impact on wellbeing for postnatal recovery and breastfeeding and these can be easily met by eating a healthy breakfast.

Some of the most important nutrients for postnatal recovery and a healthy milk supply are iron, zinc and Omega 3 fatty acids. Your breastmilk will reflect your own diet. For example, omega 3 fatty acids in your diet are important for your baby’s brain development and your own wellbeing.

Boobie Brekkie is a source of protein, a good source of fibre, thiamine (B1), niacin(B3) and folate(B12); iron, zinc, magnesium and phosphorous all exceed 10% RDI in a 60gram serving.

Boobie Brekkie is also rich in omega-3 fatty acids: it is recognized that maternal intake of the essential fatty acids, along with the omega-3 fatty acids eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), impacts on the breastmilk composition and therefore the intake by the infant.

So, while you are starting your day with a nourishing breakfast, setting yourself up for enhanced energy and a healthy milk supply, you are also passing essential nutrients through your breastmilk to your baby, supporting his growth and development.


Boobie Broth

A delicious, nourishing afternoon ‘pick-me-up’ (three-thirty-itis is a ‘thing’!), Pinky’s Boobie Broth is based on a research project conducted by nutrition professionals from Victoria University, Melbourne (2020). 

Pinky McKay (IBCLC Lactation Consultant) worked in collaboration with a Food Scientist who has a law degree to create our Boobie Broth, ensuring it complied with Australian Food standards for ingredient content and labelling.

We are very proud that our broth, made from organic chicken and vegetable bone broth powder with added lactogenic ingredients (evidence via systematic review, Victoria University, Melbourne 2020) meets criteria as “food for special medical purposes” (ie to support the milk supply of Lactating Mothers). 

Nutritionally formulated from certified organic chicken bones and vegetables that are cooked gently for 18 hours to release essential nutrients, including vitamins, amino acids and essential fatty acids. Pinky’s Boobie Broth is then blended with specially selected lactogenic plant ingredients that have been shown by research to encourage a healthy breastmilk supply, whilst bone broth has been shown to support gut health and have anti-inflammatory effects.

Delicious, sustaining Boobie Broth is a perfect, convenient postnatal recovery and breastfeeding support food to nourish you as you breastfeed your baby. Simply add two teaspoons of Boobie Broth Powder to a cup of boiling water and drink, sprinkle and stir into a meal, add to ready-made soups, or use instead of stock when cooking.


Boobie Teas

Our unique Boobie Tea blends have been crafted by IBCLC, Pinky McKay, along with a local Australian Tea Master and are a perfect accompaniment to the rest of our Boobie Food range (Tea and Boobie Bikkies, anyone?).  Boobie tea is made in Australia from 100% Organic ingredients. Fenugreek free. Gluten Free. Nut Free, made in a nut free premises. Contains no artificial colours, flavours or sweeteners. Halal and Vegan friendly.

We have two delicious blends sourced from the finest pure organic ingredients:


Boobie Tea Calming Blend, is the perfect drink to help you slow down and relax as you take a moment for yourself. This delicious, fragrant lactation tea is made from herbs traditionally used to support lactation and a healthy breastmilk supply, as well as calming and healing herbs, including Vervain, a nervous system tonic that is antibacterial and anti-inflammatory, will reduce stress and anxiety, helping you feel calm and relaxed as you sip your delicious Boobie Tea.


Boobie Tea Immunity Blend The gorgeous pink hue of this delicious, refreshing lactation tea makes it feel like a special occasion drink every time you pour yourself a cupful. Made from traditional herbs used to support lactation and a healthy breast milk supply, as well as Dragon fruit and Hibiscus Flowers to create a power-house of antioxidants and polyphenols to support your immune system.  Hibiscus flowers contain vitamin C, while Dragon Fruit is rich in iron and calcium, essential for post birth recovery.

Take a moment for yourself, Mama and drink a cup of your favourite Boobie tea. Relax and enjoy a hot drink or try it as cooling iced tea. Boobie Tip: fill up a thermos or jug and sip Boobie Tea throughout the day, according to your thirst.



If you are concerned about your breast milk supply or your baby’s health, it is important to seek help from a health care provider and to get support for breastfeeding concerns from a lactation consultant, breastfeeding counsellor, child health nurse or GP.