Real Mums Tell What They Love Best About Breastfeeding

When you really think about it, breastfeeding is pretty bloody amazing.

After a woman gives birth, on cue her post-birth hormones kick in, telling her body to produce breastmilk – the perfect amount at the perfect temperature. Ah-mazing, right?

It’s also the ultimate portable on-the-go snack, has countless health benefits for both mums and babies, and the rush of oxytocin (the ‘love hormone’) stimulated by breastfeeding helps to promote a special bond between mum and baby.

From the practical to the magical, real mums shared with us what they love most about breastfeeding.

Jakki: Being able to feed but also comfort. Boobie fixes everything.

Caterina: Bonding definitely! When they look up at you with those loving eyes. Those moments are priceless.

Jan: The quiet nights cuddled up in bed together in the moonlight with sleepy eyes fixed firmly on mine.

Jessica: Besides the incredible bond BF really helps to create, it’s knowing that my body is capable of sustaining another life beyond pregnancy. That, and those moments at 3 in the morning, when she’s just finished a feed and I bring her up to my shoulder to burp her, and I get to smell her sweet milky breath as she snuggles in, asleep. It’s created so many more opportunities to enjoy my daughter. 

Jess: It’s hard to explain but when they latched, that weird feeling felt so good. It was like a burst of love. Alex My body makes milk - - just the right amount, at the right temperature, at the right time. 

Lucy: The peaceful snuggles - stroking bub’s hair or holding tiny fingers while they fill up and drift off. Especially if they’ve come to the breast tired or with teething pain etc, such a heart-warming thing to provide that sweet comfort. 

Em:That's it's free. 

Danielle: The closeness. 

Sophie:Instant tantrum stopper and they are quiet (mostly) while on there.

Katherine:The eye contact and smiles in between feeds. 

Taylor: Knowing I've kept a baby alive with just my breasts. It’s pretty freaking cool. 

Suzi: Cuddles, bonding, having an excuse to be pinned on the couch, and the convenience of being able to flip out a boob whenever he was hungry or unsettled.

Gina:Convenience, boobs are always with you, can't forget them! 

Stacey: Everything. So grateful to have been able to successfully breastfeed my four babes. 

Kristy:The cuddles and the little smile as they look up at you part way through a feed, and the little hand that holds on to my necklace just to make sure I can't go anywhere. 

Skye: The snuggles and bonding! Also that it’s on tap, always the perfect temperature and the perfect amount! 

Jess:That the food is always ready and cooked to perfection for bub. No making bottles or having to pack it all when we go somewhere. 

Marlee: The eyeroll. Oh the eyeroll. The feeling of them literally melting into you. The fact that no matter where you are, or what you’re doing, if it’s time for a feed then you go feed. It’s a quiet place and an escape from the busyness of life. It stops you in your tracks and for that moment nothing else matters. 

Kat:The bond and cuddles plus also love the giggly happy sound when about to get boobie.

Jessie:The feeling of my little man's breath from his nose on my boob. 

Despina: The comfort it brings to my daughter, happy sad tired mad, boobie is always gonna make her comfortable.

Madison: No bottles, always the right temp, the protection for babies, the way they feel comforted by it, but most of all my favourite thing is the way my son looks up at me, unlatches and says “ahhhhhh” right after he’s quenched his thirst. 

Alana:That it worked in with my laziness! I never had to get out of bed! 

Anastasia:The late night early morning feeds, as tired as you are, there was something special about those feeds. 

Rebecca: They look so cute when feeding and also when we make the baby laugh and they stop half way to smile or giggle then continue feeding. 

Alicia: The calmness of it. The busyness of the day just stops and it’s just me and my boy. 

Lucy: The peaceful snuggles – stroking bub’s hair or holding tiny fingers while they fill up and drift off. Especially if they’ve come to the breast tired or with teething pain etc, such a heart-warming thing to provide that sweet comfort.

Michelle: Permission to lie down and do nothing.