Breastfeeding and returning to work

Breastfeeding and returning to work

Returning to paid work doesn’t mean you have to stop breastfeeding: your baby can enjoy the health, immunity and nutritional benefits and you will have that unique connection through the one thing that only you can do for your baby  - snugglin...
Hayfever Treatments For Breastfeeding Mums

Hayfever Treatments For Breastfeeding Mums

Hayfever season is here – and it seems, everyone is itchy or sneezing.

But as a mum, you have to carry on. And if you are breastfeeding, this means worrying what treatments are safe and don’t affect your baby or your milk supply.

When Baby Prefers One Breast

When Baby Prefers One Breast

A mother asks: “I was wondering if you would have any idea why baby prefers one side more than the other and how can we encourage them to drink from the side they don’t prefer so milk supply can keep coming in.”

Breastfeeding, Periods and Getting Pregnant

Breastfeeding, Periods and Getting Pregnant

Most mothers who continue to breastfeed will resume periods between nine and eighteen months after birth. Some lucky ladies can go a year or more without a period, others can menstruate within a few weeks. Typically, the more frequently a baby breast-feeds and the longer periods and fertility are...