When Baby Bites the Breast - how to prevent biting

When Baby Bites the Breast - how to prevent biting

Help! My baby has his first two teeth and he has started biting when I breastfeed. How can I stop him biting or will I have to wean him?

Ouch! Being bitten on the breast really hurts but thankfully, there are strategies to minimise and ev...

Super Simple Warming Soup Recipes

Super Simple Warming Soup Recipes

\There is nothing quite as comforting on a dreary Winter day, as a nourishing bowl of steaming soup. It’s even better when you know your soup is made from all natural ingredients, and a base of bone broth can really kick up the nutrients – but what new mum has time to...

Crying Cures - 16 Ways to Calm your Crying Baby

Crying Cures - 16 Ways to Calm your Crying Baby

Crying is your baby’s language. At first, it is pretty much the only way an infant can communicate his needs and express feelings like discomfort, hunger, exhaustion and loneliness. It is also the only way he can release pent up stress. As your baby grows he will learn o...

Is Your Breastfed Baby Allergic to Dairy?

Is Your Breastfed Baby Allergic to Dairy?

Your baby is never allergic to your breastmilk, but your baby can have symptoms of Dairy Allergy/Cow’s Milk Allergy even if you are exclusively breastfeeding and not directly feeding your baby any dairy.